YouTube announced in August that it would turn off the “Autoplay” function for viewers under 17 after criticism that users were sometimes being pushed toward conspiracy theory videos.

Misinformation can have a negative effect on people, especially children. Kids frequently get exposed to false information on youtube and social media. While YouTube users across the board report compulsive bingeing, there is an alarming rise in such excessive behaviour observed among kids & teens. So while you initially intended to watch just a cute “cat video”, you might just end up bingeing on similarly “addictive” content served to you by “YouTube’s recommendation engine” for the next couple of hours. Youtube is great yet excessive use creates a giant distraction for teens. YouTube’s in-built search and AI-based algorithms work with amazing accuracy to showcase “recommended videos” that one just can’t ignore. More than five billion videos get viewed on YouTube everyday and over 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! And more than 70% of the views come from mobile devices alone, which are always at hand and can be carried anywhere (to bed, to the toilet, or even while driving). There’s no other type of content that commands such levels of attention, virality, engagement and excitement, especially among kids.

Across the world, people clock in upwards of 1 billion hours of videos watched on YouTube everyday beating Netflix and Facebook views combined! Additionally you can navigate YouTube in over 80 different languages, covering nearly 95% of the Internet population. Beyond doubt, YouTube is THE most addictive site/app online.